Making a Snow Dog Coat

And so it begins….

This week I began making the glass coat that will cover the Snow Dog model. Using optiwhite glass for a lessened green tinge, I have been cutting  individual lengths of glass and firing them to soften the edges to create smooth pieces for safety. Once fired the pieces and then cut in half to reveal a sharp edge which will be glued to the fibreglass dog, leaving the smooth edges exposed.

Once I have gathered enough pieces I will begin attaching them to the model. So far I am thinking of using optitec adhesive and UV bonding glue, but only testing will tell.

Volunteering in Art Therapy

Art Therapy is something I have had an interest in since I left school and after my Granda died I especially wanted to persue a career in a rewarding field, so what way could be better to combine my creative flare whilst giving something back to the community in a vulnerable position.

After emailing about and trying to find a program in the area it became more and more apparent that this is still a fairly new area of therapy with many avenues still to explore. The lovely people at Maggie’s Centre at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle got back to me and offered me the opportunity to run a short course over a six week period with some of the users of the facility. As a specialist cancer support centre, this haven offers patients and their relatives a place to talk and relax without the intimidating routine and bustle of the hospital environment.

Today was the first session and I met some inspiring people who have such amazing attitudes to deal with their individual situations. I wanted my group to be about crafting and getting stuck into the making process to lose yourself in the materials. I have found that when things get on top of you, that keeping your hands and head busy can be such a relief from reality. Doing this as a group meant we could chat and have a cuppa and just be part of the process with no concerns.

I taught the group how to make some pre-cut bottle windchimes which they could then decorate to their own tastes and take home as a memory of the day. Next week we are going to have a bash at handmade dreamcatchers!

I am so grateful to the Maggie’s staff for allowing me to have this experience.

Something Silver

Winding down from all the crazy happenings over the last few weeks, I found myself back in the workshop the next morning at another silver class. Slightly worn out I decided to work with some wire instead of tackling gemstones and ring-sizers to give myself a bit of a break from the heavy stuff.

Every girl needs a decent pair of hoops and I have always found that shop bought pairs end up coppery and sad-looking, so I have taken it upon myself to make a lasting set. Hammering out a length of 3mm silver wire and curving it around a bangle mandrel, I was able to create the perfect pair that won’t tarnish or lose shape! Happy Saturday to me!

Great North Snow Dogs, 2016

With all the excitement of the last few weeks I forgot to update my blog! A week before my final assessment I had an interview after being shortlisted for the Great North Snow Dogs Competition at the National Glass Centre, with regards to the commission to decorate the fibreglass pooch in my own design.

The project with feature 50 dogs located around the north east, each decorated by an artist or designer to suit their themes and styles. The NGC will house one of these sculptures and I submitted an application with the intention of covering the dog in smooth glass shards, echoing the style of Marta Klonowska.

After receiving an email to inform me I was shortlisted, I attended an interview with a panel of five to explain my intentions with the hopes of being selected.

The next morning on the way into uni I received a phone call from the panel to inform me I was successful and would be commissioned to complete my design on the enormous model! I can not wait to embark on this project which is for such a fantastic cause and involves the community.

Make sure you keep your eyes peeled around the region for Snow Dogs in the upcoming months!


Post Exhibition Crafting

Back in the workshop the morning after the exhibition just shows my dedication to my jewellery making. After peeling myself out of bed, I made the most of my tools and fellow silversmiths to make this spinner ring, which I think it much better than the first one.

Soldering the ring so it appears to peel open and dimpling the surface, I feel gives it a more natural appearance and the use of a copper spinner gives it a ping of colour whilst keeping it minimal.

Finally starting to feel like I might be able to do this!


Dry Run, @Shipley, Gateshead

It is finally here! Tomorrow marks the opening night of the end of year exhibition at the Shipley Gallery in Gateshead. After a manic few weeks, I was able to successfully complete my glass necklace and glass case to represent the tragedy and glamorisation of the 27 Club and the lives of the most famous members. Using black bullseye pate de verre in a press moulding technique, I was able to combine screenprinted edited images onto waterjet cut glass cabochons to chain together with silver to create my representation of the glorification of tragic deaths of infamous artists in the media.

IMG_3765Come along tomorrow night for our opening night to support the amazing work all of the second year students have worked so hard to complete! 6-8pm!


Badge of Honour, 2016


I think I have finally found the method to create my necklace! Thanks to the master class with Jennifer Halvorson, I have been working with press moulding pate de verre to create glass replicas of the original object (in this case cameo frames). The one featured here is a bigger version of the overall piece.

To encapsulate the musicians in the centres of the pendants, I have experimented with screenprinting to capture their ghostly profile in a crisp silhouette.

Months of work is finally coming together and I can’t wait to see the results when all the coldworking is done!

Sample Glass Amy