Crafting with Cross Stitch

Student life can prove to be limiting when it comes to buying presents for birthdays and Christmas, but not when you have a crafty hobby. For my lovely Nana’s 80th I took to the sewing box and decided to make her something she can keep forever (instead of return to Marksy’s or hand it to one of the grandchildren on the sly).

When we lost my Granda in 2013, it became a comfort between the three of us (myself, my Mam and my Nana) that when we saw a little robin, we knew he was about keeping an eye on us. So I took to the internet in search of a robin cross stitch pattern and decided to make a little patch for a cushion I was making her. I haven’t cross stitched since I was little and immediately fell back in love with it as soon as my kit arrived.

There is a fantastic little haberdashery and tea room close to home which never fails when on a fabric hunt. I rummaged the boxes and shelves for autumnal colours as that is when my Granda left us and usually when robins start to appear more often.

Instead of spacing out the making process, I got completely addicted and ended up completing the robin in a nine hour stretch and then patching the rest of the cushion in a couple of hours the next day.

Nothing better than a thrifty little keepsake and a cuppa at the coast!

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